We have been working on a project that is super exciting. I didn’t want to share it until we had it out there in the world and started.
We are currently running a small de-centralized agricultural experiment using hydroponics. It is a 6 month experiment where we work with three women in community to help us grow medicinal grade ingredients, then take the ingredients to our facility for processing and drying before sending them off for lab analysis.
The purpose of this experiment is to materially increase the ingredient quality for some new blends we are working on while also providing an additional income stream for women (used to offset the cost of housing).
Access to safe, affordable housing can have a huge impact on women leaving unsafe situations. Housing itself has been something there is not enough of.
We are still a long way from finding out if this is viable. None of the product from the experiment will make its way in to our commercially available teas right now, as we are testing to see what works and what we can learn. We have a number of steps still to take:
1) developing our CanadaGAP program
2) discussing with the CFIA
3) meeting with landlords
4) figuring out the challenges and opportunities within a de-centralized model
The six month experiment will help us get a more robust understanding. Our social impact coordinator, Jasmine, will be writing updates about what is going on to keep you all in loop.
If you’re interested in being added to the wait list for Sarjesa growers or interested in being added to the wait list for products please send an email to jasmine@sarjesa.com
#womeninbusiness #sarjesa #teamaker #experiment