It's me again, AD (@thetinyteamaker). Today I wanted to share a little bit about what goes into making a premium product like our tea blends. We get a lot of questions about why our product is priced at $8.99 when other teas are priced differently and it inspired me to share a bit more about our journey.
The ingredients we source are the best we can possibly find! This includes a combination of amazing Canadian farmers, as well as phenomenal partners across the world! We pay a premium for the best products we can find, and are proud of the diverse range of environmental and social impact each product has.
After the product arrives in our facilities, it is sent away for lab testing (if it hasn't already been tested) so that we can ensure each ingredient measures up to a very specific composition to maximize flavour, wellness, and of course quality.
When we receive the lab report, we process all the product in house. We have a team of four production staff (all women) who oversee inventory, logistics, and manufacturing. Sometimes the ingredient needs to be cut down to a size that maximizes the absorption of nutrients or flavour, and sometimes it goes right into mixing and production. All of this is done in small batches, and all our staff are paid over minimum wage.
Once the teabags are manufactured, they go into the packaging and cartoning phase. We've built relationships with suppliers we love for our packaging - and even though there is always room for improvement and innovation, we feel deeply blessed to be where we are at.
We then work with an amazing local distributor and sales team to get the product to your favourite store locations OR we deliver ourselves to some local stores.
Each step requires equity and support to each pair of caring hands involved. These are some of the costs of doing business in a good way 🥰 making products we can be proud of.