If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that this week we had our first Canadian Food Inspection Agency site visit for 2023.
Inspections are always a bit anxiety inducing in the beginning, just because it is a new experience. Early on, I decided to treat inspectors like my customers — be eager for feedback, look for ways to improve, view them as a key stakeholder in the business.
The inspection went really well, our team learned a lot. We’re adding dried fruit to some of products this year which added a new set of SOPs and specs. We got our license amendment this morning and I didn’t think anything else. I emailed my gratitude to the inspector.
Then I got an email that blew me away. The inspector said: “you and your team are exemplary.”
This has never happened in any of my audits. Honestly, I feel so proud that I might even print the email for my wall.
So, just a reminder from me:
💜Food Safety Documents are Living —Expect to make updates because the global food safety standards change each year.
💙Stay humble —
It’s okay to ask questions and not know everything. Regulatory bodies are staffed with incredible humans who want to see small businesses do well.
💚Show Gratitude —
I want every auditor who comes to our tea factory to have a moment (when they see us in the grocery store) where they think “I am a part of this amazing team”
#myheart #sarjesa #foodsafety #corporateculture